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Headspace: The at-home solution for improved wellbeing and mental health?

By Stephanie Barcan

Bachelor of Arts Student in (Honours) Psychology, McGill University, Canada | September 2023

Reviewed by Alexandre Lemyre, Ph.D.

Help-seeking rates for individuals with mental health concerns have been steadily increasing over the years. However, this number remains low, presenting a modest growth from approximately 19.2% to 21.6% of individuals in the United States between 2019 and 2021.  Research has previously hinted at a preference for online tools for mental health promotion among young adults. For instance, one study found that four out of five youth with a mental health disorder had sought help or information online for their difficulty prior to receiving their diagnosis. One important element likely factoring into the low percentage of individuals seeking more traditional forms of mental health treatment is the lofty price it presents when compared to online tools. While the cost of in-person psychotherapy differs by clinic, location, and psychologist, the range is usually between $120 and $180 per session (in Quebec, Canada). In contrast, many online tools are either available at no cost or offer affordable subscription plans for their users. Due to their relative anonymity, online tools are also preferable for individuals fearing the stigma associated with mental health difficulties.

Headspace is one of the most popular wellness apps currently available with approximately 5-9 million monthly users actively engaging with the app, as per 2019 data. The content within Headspace centers around mindfulness training, with users being able to choose between various types of guided mediation and deep breathing techniques for different concerns, such as sleep or stress. The app has a free version, as well as a premium option at a monthly cost of $17.99 CAD as of August 2023.

The app’s efficacy in improving wellness has received mixed results. A review was undertaken of fourteen studies, conducted among community members, examining the efficacy of Headspace content on improving various wellness-related outcomes, including depression and stress. Overall, the review concluded that across studies, there was no clear consensus on the app’s efficacy in making improvements on the outcomes of interest. Across outcomes of mindfulness, stress, anxiety, and wellbeing, improvement was shown in 40% to 50% of studies. However, when it comes to depression, findings showed more promise as Headspace proved efficacious in three out of four of studies assessing this variable.

It is also important to consider that Headspace is the product of a for-profit company which makes use of scientific evidence to promote its product. This could present a risk of bias, as findings showing a lack of efficacy or possibly negative consequences of using Headspace could remain unpublished and tucked away. Overall, while Headspace has the potential to help some individuals, others may benefit more from evidence-based options, especially if struggling with more severe symptoms. These may include traditional forms of psychotherapy, despite the associated costs, as well as other online options. For example, computerised cognitive and behavioral therapy is efficacious in young adults and adolescents struggling with anxiety and depressive symptoms.

The content of this article was last updated on September 11, 2023

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