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Deprexis: An online solution for depression

By Stephanie Barcan

Bachelor of Arts Student in (Honours) Psychology, McGill University, Canada | November 2023

Reviewed by Alexandre Lemyre, Ph.D.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or irritability, as well as a marked loss of pleasure and enjoyment in previously favoured activities. Individuals with depression may also struggle with poor concentration, overwhelming guilt, diminished self-esteem, a sense of hopelessness, and reduced energy levels. This disorder is the second most prevalent mental illness worldwide, affecting 280 million people in 2019. An important factor hindering access to proper care is a shortage in mental health practitioners, with 60% reporting being unable to accept any new clients, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2022 COVID-19 Practitioner Impact Survey. A potential solution to increase access to care for those affected by depression is the implementation of digital interventions able to guide them in acquiring useful skills and knowledge.

Deprexis is a 12-week online program aimed at guiding individuals grappling with depression towards fostering more positive thoughts and behaviors. This program is designed to be used either independently or with the guidance of a clinician.  Importantly, Deprexis customizes its strategies for treating depression based on the user’s preferences and experiences.

Deprexis features 10 modules, each taking from 10 to 60 minutes to complete, on various topics such as behavioral activation, cognitive modification, lifestyle modification, interpersonal skills, and childhood experiences. By means of the CBT-based content, clients learn to recognize, challenge, and reshape the thoughts and beliefs contributing to their mental difficulties. Although based in CBT principles, Deprexis also employs a variety of contents that help users overcome depression, such as those related to mindfulness, acceptance, attachment, dream-work, and nutrition. Users can complete these modules at their own pace and in their preferred order. The users’ mood is also tracked with biweekly questionnaires. This digital intervention can be accessed in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States, and it is available in 9 languages. Deprexis is accessible on smartphones, computers, and tablets and is offered in the United States at the price of $399 (in October 2023).

Evidence for the effectiveness of Deprexis has been drawn from 11 published clinical trials examining its effects. A 2017 meta-analysis summarized the results of 8 studies examining the effectiveness of Deprexis, supporting the effectiveness of the program in reducing depressive symptoms.  A 2017 study examining 376 adults found that treating depression with Deprexis led to a 12 times greater likelihood of experiencing symptom improvement when compared with treatment as usual. A 2009 study supported the intervention’s effectiveness in reducing the severity of depression and in improving social functioning, with these effects being maintained for at least 6 months. Another study, published in 2015, supported the intervention’s effectiveness in alleviating depression symptoms even in severe cases. Further studies went to show how Deprexis maintains its beneficial effects for depression in individuals also struggling with epilepsy, slot machine gambling, as well as those in inpatient care (i.e., being treated inside the hospital for a certain period of time), in the latter case also showing improvements in anxiety, self-esteem, and quality of life. Overall, clinical trials provide promising results regarding the beneficial effects of Deprexis for alleviating symptoms of depression in a variety of people and cases.

To conclude, depression is a common and debilitating mental disorder, putting high pressure on mental health providers who are unable to meet the needs of the population. As a potential solution for adults with depression, Deprexis is an accessible and evidence-based digital therapy that can reduce symptom severity and improving mental health through the application of CBT principles.

The content of this article was last updated on November 11, 2023

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